Thursday, April 10, 2014

TCM Classic Film Festival Day One Recap

Wednesday was the start of my TCM Classic Film Festival activities. Carlos and I headed over to the Warner Bros. lot to meet up with Robby from Dear Old Hollywood. Robby was just as kind, friendly, generous and easy-going as I thought he would be. Robby works for Warner Bros. and offered to give us a tour of the lot. Carlos and I had done the VIP Tour last year but having a one-on-one tour with a friend who is as well-informed about the lot and about Hollywood as Robby is made it all that more special. I plan to do a dedicated post on our time with him soon!

Carlos, Robby and me
Robby and me

Here I am with my long lost son Matt Patterson

Before we left the Warner Bros. lot, I stopped by the Warner Home Video building to say hi to Matt Patterson from Warner Archive. We had a blast chatting with him last year and I was glad I got another chance to pick his brain. Matt and I chatted about WonderCon, the Warner Archive podcast, Mickey Rooney, commodity history books and more. I could talk to him for hours. And speaking of the Warner Archive podcast, my letter was read on this week's edition! It's not on the Warner Archive Tumblr yet but once it is I'll post it here. Once you listen to it you'll understand the meaning behind the caption above.

Matt hooked me up with some serious Warner Archive swag. These should all be future Warner Archive Wednesday posts!

Next up, I took a taxi from the Warner Bros. lot and headed to Larry Edmund's Bookshop on Hollywood Blvd. There I met up with Laura of Laura's Miscellaneous Musings, her husband Doug (who is my new hero) and I met K.C. of a Classic Movie Blog for the first time. I bought a copy of Swanson on Swanson, Gloria Swanson's autobiography. It's my number two most wanted book. My #1, Memoirs of a Professional Cad by George Sanders, wasn't in the shop but I hope they'll contact me once it's in. I also bought a book for my friend Frank. He recently did a Warner Archive Wednesday post for this blog. You should check it out.

As I was walking back to my hotel, I saw this wreath of flowers by one of Mickey Rooney's stars on the Hollywood fame. He came up in conversation several times today and he's been on my mind since his passing. I stood at this spot and had a moment of silence for him.

I picked up Casey from Noir Girl at her hotel and we walked over to Sadie's Kitchen and Lounge for a special TCM Classic Film Festival Tweet-up. About 50 bloggers and journalists were there. It was a really fun time. I got to see some folks I had met at last year's festival and meet some new faces too. As an added bonus Ben Mankiewicz, Scott McGee and Illeana Douglas from TCM were there! There was a trivia game and some roundtable discussions but the best part really was socializing, talking about the festival and tweeting the event!

We got this TCM pin for tweeting. At the festival this year you can get pins for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, for having the Watch TCM app on your phone and more.

Casey, me, Laura, Ben Mankiewicz, Marya, Illeana Douglas and Kellee

Nora of TCM. She handles the @tcm Twitter and organized the Tweet-up.

Paula and Trevor from @TCMParty and Fan Guest Programmers Tiffany and Peter

Laura, Jessica, me and Aurora

Lindsay, Jessica, Kellee and Me

After the TCM Tweet-up, a lot of us headed over to another Tweet-up at Formosa. It was organized by Marya (@oldfilmsflicker) and Warner Archive joined as well. It was a great time! Stay tuned. I'll add to this post the list of people I got to hang out with last night.

The tweet-up got crowded fast!

Matt Patterson talking to Casey

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