Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Gold Star Boston Premiere

On Monday, I had the honor of introducing the film Gold Star at its Boston area premiere and moderating a Q&A after the screening. Special guests included filmmaker Victoria Negri, composer Ben Levin and casting director Judy Bowman.

A big thanks to my husband Carlos who recorded both the intro and the Q&A and helped me edit the video.

And another big thanks to Victoria Negri for inviting me to moderate!

Make sure you take an opportunity to watch Negri's fantastic feature film debut if you haven't already. Gold Star is currently available on on Amazon Video.

About the film:

After dropping out of music school, Vicki drifts aimlessly between her family’s house in Connecticut and an itinerant existence in New York. When her father suffers a debilitating stroke, she has to become his primary caretaker. Vicki resists connecting with him, and making peace with herself, but finds a way forward thanks to a new friend and a life-changing event. (Source: Gold Star Film Official Website)

Robert Vaughn in Gold Star

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