Monday, June 2, 2008

New Discovery - Young Leslie Nielsen

I have made a new discovery. Well not, exactly new, since it's about 50 years ago, but "new" to me at least. Leslie Nielsen was HOT. Yes, I have a humongous crush on the young Leslie Nielsen after seeing him in Tammy and the Bachelor (1957) (see my previous post about the Tammy movies). Wow! And he's half-naked in at least two scenes. And water is involved. Either from swimming or from rain. Move aside hunka Kirk Douglas, young Leslie Nielsen is giving you a run for your money!

Don't believe me? Still think he's just that old guy with great hair from all those spoofs? Well get over it. I know I had to, since I still think about him as the narrator of one my favorite kids' show Katie & Orbie as well as Mr. Magoo! But I was willing to put that all aside and embrace the hotness. I bring to you evidence in the form of pictures. And sorry, I didn't include any of him fully-clothed. That would defeat the purpose.

My heart beats so joyfully
To think of hot Leslie Nielsen
Dripping wet in swim trunks
Raquelle, Raquelle,
Raquelle's in Love

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