Saturday, November 27, 2010

Warner Archive Black Friday Sale

(click the image above to go to the Warner Archive store)

This sale ends 11/29 (Monday) so if there are some Warner Archive DVDs you've been lusting after NOW is the time to get them. This is a really great deal. $10 each for 5 single-disc DVDs and no shipping cost. Plus, plus, plus. 

Are you going to take advantage of this sale? What are you going to get? If you've already made your purchase, what did you buy? This is what I got:

The Bachelor Mother (1939). You guys have Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz but for me the crowning jewel of 1939, the Golden Year of Movies, was The Bachelor Mother (oh and The Women, I can have two jewels right?). It's by far one of my favorite films and easily takes a spot in my top 5. It's a film I love to watch at any time during the year but especially during Christmas and New Year's. I watch it alone or I share it with friends. It's just the most divine movie ever and I curse Warner Bros. for not putting it out earlier. Now I have a proper DVD but I also had it on a burned DVD thanks to a kind friend as well as a VHS version which has gotten lost twice. Now I will have a proper DVD with keepcase and everything!

Keep Your Powder Dry (1945). This is a notable film featuring one of my favorite actresses Susan Peters. I've mentioned it before in my tribute to Susan Peters and while I had a VHS recording of it I was really happy to purchase a DVD copy. I'm starting to develop a strange interest in patriotic films from the 1940s and this is one of the better ones in my opinion. And Lana Turner is not even the least bit annoying in it!

Boy's Night Out (1962). This one is a total wild card. I have a VHS recording of this but it was missing a significant chunk so I have never seen it. I was contemplating getting this because of the cast, the story and the fact that it was remastered. I wasn't fully sold until I got recommendations from Terry from A Shroud of Thoughts, Millie from ClassicForever and Casey from Noir Girl. They sold it to me!

The Easiest Way (1931). A favorite early talkie. I loved it so much I dressed up as Anita Page! I only have a VHS recording of this so I'm very glad to be able to own it on DVD.

Their Own Desire (1929). Another top favorite film which I've written about on here a couple of times. It's Art Deco at it's finest, Shearer & Montgomery's first picture together and it's just a great example of an enjoyable early talkie. I'm so glad to be able to own a proper copy of this with such a beautiful design for the keepcase!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Elia Kazan Collection: Selected by Martin Scorsese

(watch me present the boxed set in this newest vlog!)

A Letter to Elia (2010) - Scorsese documentary
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)
Boomerang (1947)
Gentleman's Agreement (1947)
Pinky (1949
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Viva Zapata! (1952)
Man on a Tightrope (1953)
East of Eden (1955)
America America (1963)

Full Disclosure: I received this boxed set as a birthday present from my beau Carlos. <3 xoxo

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

(Robert Mitchum with his sons Chris and James)

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with lots of family and friends and good home-cooked food. And classic movies of course!

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