Monday, June 26, 2017

Summer Reading Challenge - First Round-Up

This year's Summer Reading challenge is off to a roaring start. 2017 has the most participants ever! The number is currently at 32. Thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm. Some of you have wanted to participate in the past and made this your first time. Others have been participating for years. I'm grateful to have you all on board.

I collected the first batch of reviews and so far so good. Vanessa is putting us all to shame and she's almost done with her challenge! Andy's got 4 down and several of you have already posted your first reviews. Good work! For those of you still working on yours, keep at it! I only got one book read and reviewed this month but am furiously working on my second.

There is still time to sign up if you're interested. The full details are on my Summer Reading page. Now for the reviews:

Andy W.  - Journeys in Darkness and Light
Black & White Cinema: A Short History by Wheeler Winston Dixon
The Mark Hellinger Story by Jim Bishop 
Robert Mitchum: Baby, I Don't Care by Lee Server
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Kate Gabrielle - Silents and Talkies
Desperately Seeking Marie Prevost by Richard Kirby

Kevin - Top 10 Film Lists
Clark Gable: Tormented Star by David Bret

Raquel S. - Out of the Past
Showman of the Screen: Joseph E. Levine and His Revolutions in Film Promotion by A.T. McKenna

Rich - Wide Screen World
Tracy and Hepburn by Garson Kanin

Robby C. - Instagram
Cowboy Princess: Life With My Parents Roy Rogers and Dale Evans by Cheryl Rogers- Barnett and Frank Thompson

Sarah A. - Goodreads
The Purple Diaries: Mary Astor and the Most Sensational Hollywood Scandal of the 1930s by Joseph Egan
This 'N That by Bette Davis and Michael Herskowitz

Vanessa B. - Goodreads
The Art of Noir by Eddie Muller
The Purple Diaries: Mary Astor & the Most Sensational Hollywood Scandal of the 1930s by Joseph Egan
Marlene by Marlene Dietrich
Scandals of Classic Hollywood: Sex, Deviance, and Drama from the Golden Age of American Cinema by Anne Helen Petersen
Veronica, the Autobiography of Veronica Lake by Veronica Lake and Donald Bain

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