Monday, August 4, 2014

2014 Summer Reading Challenge - First Round-Up

Woah. Hey there, Summer. Why don't you slow down a bit? The days of June and July felt like they were on fast forward. Next thing I noticed it was already August and I only have 1 out of 6 books reviewed. Yikes! I have to catch up. Right now I'm finishing a 1,000 page biography on Barbara Stanwyck (and it's only volume 1!). I've been chipping away at it all July and it's been a great read. I'm glad I threw in a few shorter books into my challenge list so I can balance things out.

I'm also way overdue on sharing the first round-up of reviews by all the participants in the challenge so I'm sharing them below. These are some fine pieces on a varied collection of classic film related books. I encourage you to stop by these blogs and read their challenge submissions. You never know. You might find your next favorite classic film book!

If I missed one of your reviews, let me know and I'll add it below.

BG of Classic Reel Girl
Ava Gardner: The Secret Conversations by Peter Evans and Ava Gardner
Doris Day: The Untold Story of the Girl Next Door by David Kaufman

Emily of The Vintage Cameo 

Cinematic Canines: Dogs and Their Work in the Fiction Film by Adrienne L. McLean

KC of A Classic Movie Blog
The Wizard of Oz FAQ: All That’s Left to Know About Life According to Oz by David J. Hogan 
Sharon Tate: Recollection by Debra Tate
Hitchcock’s Partner in Suspence: The Life of Screenwriter Charles Bennett edited by John Charles Bennett
Stella! Mother of Modern Acting by Sheana Ochoa
Dangerous Rhythm: Why Movie Musicals Matter by Richard Barrios

Laura of Laura’s Miscellaneous Musings
John Wayne: The Life and Legend by Scott Eyman
Still Memories: An Autobiography in Photography by John Mills
Dangerous Rhythm: Why Movie Musicals Matter by Richard Barrios

Raquel of Out of the Past 
Dangerous Rhythm: Why Movie Musicals Matter by Richard Barrios

Rich of Wide Screen World

Three Fingers by Rich Koslowsky
Silent Stars by Jeanine Basinger
Main Street by Sinclair Lewis

Robby of Dear Old Hollywood

Welcome, Foolish Mortals: The Life and Voices of Paul Frees by Ben Ohmart
Life at the Marmont: The Inside Story of Hollywood’s Legendary Hotel of the Stars – Chateau Marmont by Raymond Sarlot and Fred E. Basten

Good job everyone!

One participant will win this set of Vintage Movie Classics!

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