Sunday, September 13, 2009

Movie Watching Efficiency

I have been overwhelmed lately with too much to do and too little time to do it in. Or so I thought...

I haven't been very efficient lately in many aspects of my life. When I do get free time, I tend to squander it away instead of using it to be productive. This has interfered with my movie watching lately, Netflix being the main culprit. I have many movies to watch (but don't we all). I have borrowed DVDs, DVDs I have purchased but haven't seen, DVDs given to me as presents, taped movies from TCM (recent and old) and rented Netflix movies. This is in addition to great classic films being shown at local repertory houses and the occassional interesting contemporary film at my local first-run or second-run theater.

Since Netflix is a paid service, I make priority to watch those films first and return them as quickly as I can to get the most out of my money. However, this interferes with me viewing my stash of DVDs and tapes. As soon as I finish of the 3 Netflix movies, I already have 3 more waiting for me. Since I know that the other films can wait, Netflix rentals get first dibs on my free time.

What ends up happening is that I borrow a film from a friend and return it to them months later because I never get a chance. Poor Frank, my fellow employee and classic film enthusiast, is still waiting for his Criterion Collection DVD boxed set of Amarcord (1973) back after lending it to me months ago. Or that tape of Jean Harlow films I taped off TCM months ago, collects dust in my entertainment center. The real shame is all those wonderful rare Norma Shearer films my friend Jonas (of All Talking! All Singing! All Dancing! fame) sent me from Sweden are sitting nicely in their sleeves, just waiting for me to watch them.

At first I wanted to discontinue Netflix once I got through the 30-40 films on my queue, but since I keep on adding films to the queue, I don't see an end any time soon. So I have formed a plan to help me be more efficient in my movie watching.

For every 1 Netflix movie I watch, I have to follow it up with 1 borrowed movie and 1 taped movie/owned DVD. I won't be taking full advantage of the rental service but at least I will be making a dent in my collection of movies. If push comes to shove, I might go on a different rental plan with Netflix so that I don't feel overwhelmed.

Do any of you have methods to maintain the efficiency of your movie consumption? Doesn't that last question make movie watching sound terribly trite? Thoughts?

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