Tuesday, September 24, 2019

DVD Netflix Giveaway: 5 Billion Discs Celebration

This post is sponsored by DVD Netflix.

Congratulations to DVD Netflix! On August 26th they delivered their 5 Billionth disc. What disc was that you may be asking? It was Rocketman (2019) delivered to member Becky in Seattle! I have been a subscriber of the service since I was a college undergrad in 2002. You can read about my journey in my blog post here.

DVD Netflix still boasts over 2 million members who look forward to receiving that bright red envelope in the mail. While the company’s streaming service has eclipsed the DVD/Blu-ray rental service, many of us classic film fans who treasure physical media still rent discs. Why? Because their catalog still has many classic film options and we don’t have to worry about which streaming service carries the film or not. I use the service a lot for my classic film research. I also add new Criterion Collection releases to my queue to check them out before I decide whether I want to purchase them or not. While the streaming service lacks classic films (are there even any on there anymore?) the rental service still has loads! I also use DVD Netflix to catch up on new releases that I missed at the cinema. And frankly I miss a lot so it helps me keep up on things.

Here is the current breakdown of monthly DVD Netflix plans:

1 disc out at-a-time (unlimited) - $7.99 for DVD/$9.99 for Blu-Ray and DVD
2 discs out at-a-time (unlimited) - $11.99 for DVD/$14.99 for Blu-Ray and DVD
3 discs out at-a-time (unlimited) - $15.99 for DVD/$19.99 for Blu-Ray and DVD
1 disc out-at-a-time/limit 2 exchanges per month - $4.99 for DVD/$5.99 for Blu-Ray and DVD

To celebrate this new milestone I’m hosting a special DVD Netflix giveaway. Enter for a chance to win a $100 DVD Netflix gift card and a bright red tote bag! I’m giving three of these prize packs away. This is a wonderful opportunity to try out the service for the first time, to continue to membership or to subscribe again if you haven’t in a while.


The winners are:

Gigi H.
Thomas P.
Mary M.

Rules and Regulations 

  1. For a chance to win, leave a comment below telling me why you treasure physical media. I’m looking for 3-4 sentences or more and the writing must be original and unique to you. Also include your e-mail address in the comment so I can contact you if you win. If you don't include an e-mail, your entry is automatically invalid.
  2. Three winners will be chosen at random from the qualifying entries. Prize is a DVD Netflix totebag (red) and a $100 DVD Netflix gift card.
  3. US ONLY! DVD Netflix is not available internationally.
  4. Contest ends September 30th at 11:59 PM EST. Winners will be announced here and contacted via e-mail within a few days.

For privacy reasons, after the contest is over I will copy and paste all the entries into the body of this post, remove the e-mail addresses and delete the comments. Unless DISQUS lets me edit the comments. If they do then I will edit out the e-mail.

Disclaimer: As a DVD Nation director, I earn rewards from DVD Netflix.


  1. I love physical media for three simple reasons. The first is that it never goes away. If someone takes care of a DVD or a Blu-Ray disc, that DVD or Blu-Ray disc could last a lifetime or beyond. That is a sharp contrast to streaming media, where various titles are constantly becoming unavailable. The second is that there is much, much more available on DVD or Blu-Ray. People often remark about just how much is available on streaming media, but the fact is that there are a lot of well-known movies and TV shows that aren't available on streaming anywhere. The third is that one gets bonus features on a DVD or Blu-Ray that one won't see on most streaming platforms. Behind the scenes photos, documentaries on the making of a film or TV show, commentary tracks, and more are often available on DVDs and Blu-Ray. One doesn't get that on streaming media! BTW, my email address is mercurie at charter.net

    1. I love physical media because it makes me feel like I'm the boss. The boss gets to make all the choices like when, snacks, couch or bed and pause as I need or want to. I also get a new dcd high,. Nothing will ever really get rid of the movie rental high.

  2. I enjoy physical media because it's real. Its something I can hold in my hand and enjoy it for what it is. In a world the focuses on the next new and more advanced things in life, I want to slow things down. I want to enjoy things while they last instead of use them until something new comes along then abandon it. We need to just slow down and enjoy the small things like getting a DVD in the mail. Kurtdvr90@gmail.com

  3. I love dvd netflix. I dont have cable so i can still watch all the movies i want with dvd netflix. I can watch new and old movies.im so glad that i found dvd netflix. Im very happyy with the service.

  4. I still remember when my dad first got DVD Netflix when I was in high school. It was so fun getting those DVDs in the mail. I still enjoy getting the discs in the mail- it can take me a couple days to get through a movie, so I don’t have to worry about late fees. I also love that it makes older movies easy to find! And since I don’t have to have an internet connection, I can take them with me and even play a new (to them...) movie for my kids in the car on road trips.

  5. The feel of holding the disc. Placing it in the DVD player. Sitting back in your recliner, couch, or even bed. Hitting play. That feeling right there is what I have grown to love and enjoy. I’ve been a member since 2000 and the first dvd was Inspector Gadget. Since that first movie I have been happy to know I didn’t spend several dollars seeing it in theatres lol. There are so many more choices for older shows with physical dvds versus the streaming service. Waldo_1110@yahoo.com

  6. We have been members since 2009, between now and then we've added four children to our brood for a total of five, we've moved cross country and we've cut the cable cord. Netflix discs have been an awesome accessory to all of those changes. As the children piled up, the time and money to go out to the movies somehow mysteriously disappeared. As we said goodbye to cable, the ability to keep up with our favorite shows shifted - perhaps we wait a little longer to see them, but we do it on our time and not the networks' now. And the selection is wonderful, we love movies and shows across time and genres and we don't want to dole out money to a thousand different people every month in the hopes that so-and-so's service MIGHT have what we want. And my kids get so excited for that surprise in the mailbox, and frankly, finding something FOR ME/US that isn't a bill, that is something we actually WANT, is always wonderful.

  7. We've been members since 2009 and it's great. We get our movies pretty fast and it's great that we can kinda plan on when we have time to watch the movie. I also love that Netflix solves issues that their customers might have. I dont think I could go anywhere else to get my movies. And my daughter loves getting movies that she can watch. My family would be super excited if we was to win. You can contact me at scottysgurl21@hotmail.com

  8. Physical copies last forever. Plain and simple. Never have to worry about streaming rights expiring etc.
    I will always be a collector of blus and DVDs until the day I day.
    Also, love the Netflix DVDs. Tons of movies available you can't get anywhere else. Been a member since 2005.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hello. The reason I love physical media is mainly because of our limited entertainment leisure time and the fact we don't have suitable internet for any type of streaming. Watching Netflix DVD's allows us to be flexible on when we habe movie night. Sometimes movie nights might be a month apart. Maybe being older (over 60) we are comfortable with physical media, we know how it works.



  11. I love physical media because I can enjoy it in my own way in my own time. I can wear pajamas, I can lay in bed, I can pause whenever I need to. There's no compromising on what to watch. It's always there, my dvds aren't going to expire or not be available. Plus there is so much more available on dvds than on streaming services. I can get the dvd I want instead of settling for a movie that's available streaming.

  12. I love social media because I have family I have never met before connecting on a social media platform. I also have family that only travels to my home state for the family reunion and social keeps us all connected. It can also make the world feel a little smaller and more connected. saralynn_holcomb@yahoo.com

  13. I love physical media because i don't have to pay for costly wifi, pay for different streaming services that may or may not have what I am looking for. Discs, whether they are mine or netflix, lets me have exactly what i am wanting to watch and watch it on my time. I have a huge dvd collection and its great to have the dics my children love, for them to be able to watch their favorite movies when they want. I will forever favor physical media over streaming

  14. I love physical media because once you have it then it's yours. They can't touch it, they can't edit it, they can't alter it. You have that piece of history until you die. Also for someone like me who lives in the middle of nowhere the internet is not very good. Physical media guarantees that as long as I have my bluray player that I'll be able to watch whatever I want without having to rely on the internet. It's absolute freedom. The incredible thing about DVD Netflix is the HUGE library of movies. I love classic movies and I can't find half of them on any streaming networks. With DVD Netflix I just search it, add it to my Q and wait for it in the mail (very quick shipping), and enjoy. I love physical media and I pray we'll have our special place DVD Netflix for a very long time. ❤️
    My email is goosenyquist@yahoo.com

  15. I love physical media because the discs are pretty to look at all mirrored-like, the cover art is always amazing because it's usually the movie's poster you would have seen in lights at the theater, and the fact that it's mine to enjoy whenever. Streaming a movie is great, but will it be yours forever? No.

  16. I love physical media because I can enjoy the extra features and get not only different languages but also choose the best audio for my home theater system.

  17. We travel fulltime in our RV across the U.S. volunteering at our beautiful National Parks. I can always count on Netflix being with us anywhere we are. Because of our retired lifestyle we aren't always in the best locations for streaming but I can always count on our DVDs to keep our entertainment going. I love Netflix and still get excited to see that red envelope in my mail. Netflix has one of the best customer service with companies I deal with. If there is an issue with a DVD they are right on a solution. I appreciate that so much. email pugtrckr@yahoo.com

  18. I love physical media because I love movies! I cant wait for the new releases to come out on dvd, it feels like Christmas every month of the year! Watching movies on dvd at HOME is the ultimate experience. No crying babies, no one talking, no phones going off, no one blocking my view, just me and my big screen tv and I challenge myself to watch 4 movies a month! The excitement of seeing that red Netflix dvd envelope in my mailbox makes me one happy girl all year long. dkgallagher484@yahoo.com

  19. I enjoy physical media because of the portability! I can easily take a disc to a friend's house, in the middle of nowhere, regardless of internet access! Also, i don't have to remember a password to access my movie, lol. Oh, and I don't feel rushed to watch it, as i would if it were on a streaming service.
    Email is mollertj@gmail.com

    1. Ahhh! It did not put my name at the top!! It's Jeremy M

  20. I love physical media because it puts the consumer first! No 48 rental window, no fear of purchased movies disappearing, no worries if I fall asleep while watching. I can watch special features and listen to director's commentaries and experience fussed over DVD menu screens.
    In fact, when I found out Sid Haig had died I pulled out the (physical) headshot he'd signed for me at a horror film convention. I didn't ask him to write a famous line from a film, but from the DVD menu to House of 1000 Corpses he had recorded just for people who have the physical disc.


  21. I have been getting Netflix discs since I was in college back in 2005. My roommates subscribed too so we had new discs almost every day of the week.
    I still love getting the discs more. I am big on special features. Love love audio commentaries. By only streaming you miss out on so much great content like commentaries, deleted scenes, bloopers and behind the scenes stuff. It’s so cool to experience this stuff and it’s sad to see it all fade away as less people use discs.

    I also get excited getting them in the mail. Love coming home to that red envelope in the mailbox or on the table as I walk in the door.

    I hope Netflix DVD will be around forever

    Brian Corral


  22. For me, the pleasure of reviving dvds in mail was twofold 1) as a way of previewing movies under strong consideration of purchasing. With my digital library I'm Highly selective of what gets to take permanent residence w/me and without being able to view the features & commentaries it would make a difficult task impossible.And 2) I love amongst the PO box tripe, having one piece of posit mail that makes it worth turning the key! - ric doe : startunatang@hotmail.com

  23. I love physical media because I don't have to worry about titles going away like on streaming platforms. The selection also seems vastly greater, especially for cult classics, that may not have been popular enough for a streaming service to dedicate server space to.

  24. To echoe some others it's the satisfaction that it is physical, you can pick up the media and look at it. I have had the pleasure of teaching my four children how to use physical media as well. My wife and I laughed as they tried to use our old VHS player (ages 10, 5, 5 & 4), putting in the tape evwry way imaginable. NOw they are pros at it. It was equally enjoyable watching their faces light up when they put on a record and be amazed that it makes sound. We feel by exposing them to physical media is good for them and will help them think about things differently as they grow. We will always have physical media in our home. Thanks for the contest! E-mail: joseph-rigdon@hotmail.com.

  25. I love physical media because I cherish the artistry of cover art and a well-crafted disc menu. I love when designers add in Easter eggs for fans! Plus I like being able to create cute film collections on my shelves along with corresponding Funko pops! Finally, physical media provides security that the ever-changing streaming libraries cannot.

    Email: madstvwriter@gmail.com

  26. I love having physical media (books, cds, and dvds) as having them in my hands to touch them and hold them and then easily view them over and over again resonate with me. I still have music tapes, vhs tapes and books from my childhood that bring back so many memories Of listening, watching and reading. So now as an adult if I have the opportunity I always purchase physical media of all my favorite actors, actresses, artists and authors. And since I have them physically around I definitely watch, listen and read more too. I was given Sixteen candles on VHS on my 16th birthday by my late dad. That movie along with other classics I watched with him are now my treasures and forever will be too!
    shannyiphone at gmail dot com

  27. I love physical media because not everything is streaming. I miss the days of actually going to the video store and having something strange catch my eye. I love reading about something and putting it in my queue, then having it show up at an unexpected time. I love trying to build a collection of cult cinema just to make myself happy. In my house physical media will never die.

    Ktortman at gmail dot com


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