Saturday, September 10, 2016

Celebrate #HispanicHeritageMonth with #DePelicula

I'm excited to join forces with Aurora of Citizen Screen to celebrate #HispanicHeritageMonth with a special social media and blog campaign: #DePelicula. I worked with Aurora to expand this once Blogathon to reach a bigger audience using social media.

Message from Aurora of Citizen Screen:
Hispanic Heritage Month, the roots of which go back to 1968, begins each year on September 15 and ends on October 15. In previous years I’ve celebrated the month by hosting The Hispanic Heritage Blogathon. Although both years of that blogathon were great successes with bloggers spotlighting Hispanic players and Hispanic-themed movies and such to commemorate the imprint Hispanics have made on Hollywood, this year I’m doing something quite different. In a joint effort with the lovely and talented Raquel @QuelleLove of Out of the Past blog I am spearheading a social media campaign to spotlight Hispanic Heritage in movies and in entertainment.

What Raquel and I have in mind is a cross-promotion campaign using the #DePelicula hashtag in order to spread the word about actors, filmmakers or films that celebrate, depict or examine aspects of Hispanic culture in film and entertainment. I will be spotlighting several Hispanic movie-related themes and persons on this blog and posting #DePelicula-related content across social media. Raquel and I would love to have you join the effort. You are welcome to blog about a movie or person as you may have done in the previous blogathons or you can design a series of posts on a social media platform of your choice. The sky’s the limit and creativity is welcomed. If interested, here are the #DePelicula details:


How to participate:
1) Pick one platform: Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube or Vine.
2) Pick a theme or type of content – this could be a focus on one Hispanic actor, several actors, filmmakers, movies or a combination of these.
3) Chose the Frequency: one post, daily posts or anything in between. Content should go up between 9/15 and 10/15.
4) Sign-up in the comments section below by letting us know your idea and/or plan. Please include your platform (with a link), theme and frequency.
5) Use the hashtag #DePelicula in all of your posts so we can easily share your content. Also, make sure the content is made public so everyone can see your #DePelicula posts.
6) Feel free to use the image above on any and all promotions, blog posts, etc. It is the official #DePelicula graphic.
7) Have fun! Follow the hashtag and encourage others to participate. Liking, retweeting, commenting and replying are encouraged.

While this event will focus primarily on “classic” Hollywood cinema and players, we recognize the impact Hispanics are making in films today so if you choose a contemporary Latin American actor, filmmaker or film, that’s fine, too. #DePelicula commemorates all Hispanic contributions to film and entertainment.

Help us spread the word and make this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month one for the social media record books!

If you can’t think of a topic or topics here are a few lists to get you started:

Latinos in Film from Wikipedia
Famous Hispanic from Ranker
Famous Hispanic Actresses from Ranker
Films Set in South America from Wikipedia
Golden Age of Mexican Cinema from Wikipedia
13 Films Set in Latin America
10 Early Film Actors You Need to Know
10 Early Film Actresses You Need to Know

Here's how I'll be participating:
Platform: Twitter @Quellelove
Theme/Type of Content: Quotes from Hispanic Actors and Actresses
Frequency: Daily

Will you celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with us? #DePelicula

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