Sunday, July 15, 2012

5th Anniversary Giveaway Winner!

The winner of the Out of the Past ~ A Classic Film Blog 5th Anniversary Giveaway is...


Congratulations Connie and thank you to everyone who entered. Here is Connie's entry for the contest (the prompt was to either tell me about your favorite classic Hollywood couple or your favorite wedding-themed classic movie):

"Happy Anniversary! My favorite is 'The Quiet Man', with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara from 1952. It's got everything from drama, comedy, amazing scenery, great acting, and a wonderful love story between two stubborn, loving, lost souls who truly need each other. Conspiring friends do their part to help this couple overcome their own stubbornness and family obstacles, so that they learn not only to love each other, but more importantly, to trust in each other. ♥ - Connie

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