Friday, April 15, 2011

Out of the Past - Into the Now ~ Charlie Chaplin Honored by Google

Did you see Google today? They created an original video, an homage to Charlie Chaplin for his 122nd birthday. It's pretty awesome. The only point of this post is that I don't want this to be forgotten so I want to commemorate Google's homage by dedicating a post to it. Although so many of us classic film enthusiasts feel like evangelists for a lost art, old movies still have a significant influence on contemporary culture. And that's a very good thing indeed.


  1. I was so delighted to see this when I got up! It was great...and a nice tribute to Chaplin. Hopefully more people will learn about him through this.

  2. I really loved it! I think it was lovely. (I know a few people liked it but had wished it was actually Chaplin...wouldn't really have been a 'Google Sketch' then, would it?) Anyway, the point is, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    -Andi x

  3. Yes! It was such a nice little tribute. Really well done. I've been sending everyone I know to watch it.

  4. Chaplin was a giant, and anything that keeps him in the public mind is OK with me!

  5. Nice post and thanks for reminding us. Makes me want to pull out City Lights right now.

  6. I blogged about him on his birthday.

    The thing you need to know about Chaplin, is that he is the greatest thing that ever was.

    Better than the dinosaurs.
    Better than the iPhones.
    Better than everything.

  7. I couldn't be more out of the loop on old films, interesting site!

  8. Hey, Raquelle--I volunteered to help get the word out about this year's LAMMYs, so I'm going around and reminding people to vote this week if they have not already!



Leave me a comment! If it is a long one, make sure you save a draft of it elsewhere just in case Google gobbles it up and spits it out.

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