Monday, December 13, 2010
At what point do you start to cry during TCM Remembers?
I usually start to bawl towards the end. I try to keep a brave face and make it through the whole thing without a tear but it's usually the big name towards the end, the one they dwell on for a little more time that gets to me. This year it was a bit different. As soon as they showed Dennis Hopper towards the beginning of the tribute, the waterworks started. When I saw Tony Curtis, Patricia Neal, and Leslie Nielsen, I was all out sobbing. This year has been a difficult year. In fact, ever year since 2003 has been especially difficult for me. The more I fall in love with classic films the harder it is to let go of those stars who are reaching the end of their time on earth. TCM Remembers tribute is always very well done. They are fair, they give time to everyone, the visuals are always stunning, they chose appropriate and beautiful music and they are willing to edit in case someone passes at the end of December. Way to keep it classy TCM! We really appreciate it. Because the Oscar tributes become more and more offensive every year, it's nice to have the genuinely touching tributes you consistently provide us. Thank you.
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