Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oscar Night

I went out to an Oscar party at the Brattle Theatre with my good friend Kevin on Sunday night. It was great to dress up and watch the Academy Awards in a real theatre. Lot of talk is going around about this year's Oscars being disappointing. Here are my thoughts, reactions and fun quips on the show (or at least the 2-1/2 hours I watched!)

  1. Presentation/Acceptance Montage and Theme - I liked this! But I get really emotional when they show images of classic film stars who have since passed on accepting or presenting awards. Especially when Celine Dion belts the Titanic song in the background. Do they want to make me cry?
  2. Memorial Montage - I'm actually glad I missed this in the theatre. I didn't bring any tissues with me and I would have been a complete mess. Best to watch these kind of things at home when I have some kleenex nearby.
  3. Marion Cotillard - I seriously have a girl-crush on her. I think she's amazing and I can't wait to watch La Vie En Rose!!!
  4. Jon Stewart - Funny without being offensive. That's really the way it should be.
  5. Mickey Rooney - The Oscars are not the Oscars without Mickey Rooney! I love that guy!
  6. Amy Adams - She sings?! Wow! Talk about a double-threat. And I was slightly embarassed that I confused her with Isla Fischer. Oops.
  7. Atonement didn't win Best Costume - I'm glad. I'm very particular about Best Costume, since I have a personal interest in period costume design. The only thing I didn't like about Atonement is how they sacrificed historical accuracy, for beauty in the clothes. The clothes seemed more '20s than '40s.
  8. Cate Blanchett played Bob Dylan in a movie - Where have I been?
  9. Sarah Polley wrote and directed Away From Her - Where the heck have I been? Oh yeah that's right, in graduate school! I'm so out of the loop.
  10. In conclusion - I need to watch more movies!

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