For the Desktop Publishing course I am taking, I have to work on a final project using Adobe InDesign to develop something new in print. I was inspired by the DVD boxed set of the 7th Season of Road to Avonlea which came with a booklet with notes "written" by one of the characters. I decided to do something similar.
I'm developing a "Breaking the Code" special edition boxed set. It will have 5 DVDs, all of which are from the late 1950's and represent Hollywood's rebellion against the Hayes Code. I'm going to pretend that its sponsored by Turner Classic Movies and possibly be inspired by some of their designs. The booklet itself will have a different article, written by myself, on each of the 5 movies. My goal is to make the complete package, the DVD boxed set cover as well an 8-page booklet and present it to the class as my final project.
The reason I'm so excited about this is that I have finally found a way to incorporate my love of classic films into my school work! And I can simultaneously post my progress on this blog! I will be, of course, careful about what I will post because I'm probably stealing lots of copyrighted material (granted this project will never be distributed into the real world).
For now, I have to come up with the 5 movies I want to be in the boxed set. I know definitely that Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) will be one of the films. Please feel free to send in your suggestions for the other four DVDs and let me know what you think about my project.