Monday, September 17, 2007


I've decided to take advantage of Blogger's new blog-friendly polls and post a new one every month. For September, I did a Norma Shearer - Favorite Film Poll as you see to the right of your screen. Please vote!

Trombonology (Relative Esoterica) asked me which of the many great Norma Shearer films is my personal favorite. To answer truthfully, it is, hands down, The Women (1939). It's what introduced me to her and what's kept me a fan.

I'd love to hear your responses and your ideas for future polls.


  1. Thanks for the plug, Raquelle!

    The Women, huh? ... Well, I love it, of course. Have you read Mick LaSalle's Complicated Women? According to the author, Norma considered the character of Mary Haines "too noble" and didn't want to play the part. Thank heaven that it was she who did!

  2. No, I have wanted to read that book. I've heard many stories about Norma Shearer and for some reason, none of her antics made me like her less. I remember hearing a story about how Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer had an immense dislike for each other and both desired to be the last person to arrive at the set. They would have their personal drivers drive around the lot, insistent that they would be fashionably late. I don't know if that's true, but I think it's kind of funny.

  3. Ah, Norma ... Well, so she wasn't the most involved mother. That's the worst thing I could say about her. What a fascinating, complex creature! I loved Gavin Lambert's Shearer bio; one of the best "star" portraits I've read.

    Yes, I'm familiar with the "must be the last to arrive" story. Very funny and probably true!


Leave me a comment! If it is a long one, make sure you save a draft of it elsewhere just in case Google gobbles it up and spits it out.