Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Stars & Their Hobbies - Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy, Polo

"There's something about horses which, once you really become interested in them, just naturally makes you think this is a pretty good world." - Spencer Tracy

Director John Cromwell encouraged Spencer Tracy to take up polo and Tracy trained with Reginald Leslie "Snowy Baker at the Riviera Polo Club in Santa Monica. It was a sport he relished for years. Even his wife Louise got into polo, although Tracy was initially hesitant about this because he thought the sport too rough for women. She proved him wrong and became an adept player. (Source)

You can watch a little clip of a celebrity polo match from 1938, which has Spencer Tracy on Joan Crawford's team, on the British Pathe website.


Leslie Howard, Will Rogers, Carole Lombard, Spencer Tracy and Johnny Mack Brown
at a celebrity polo match circa 1934 - Source

My series Stars & Their Hobbies explores how notable actors and actresses from Hollywood history spent their free time. Click here to view a complete list of entries. 


  1. I never knew Spencer Tracy liked horses or played polo until I read that massive biography that came out a couple of years ago (by James Curtis). This made me love Tracy even more than I previously did - he's always been my favourite actor - and his love for horses really softened him in my mind.

    1. Vanessa - That's where I learned about pretty much everything about Tracy. It covered so much. I reviewed it a while back and the author even wrote to me! Woohoo!


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