Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The 2013 TCM Classic Film Festival in Two Weeks! - My Plan

I can't believe the TCM Classic Film Festival is in two weeks! And this year I get to go. Woah!!!

I have been fairly quiet about the festival because frankly I have been in an extended state of disbelief. After I booked the passes, I still didn't believe I was going. Then I booked the hotel and still couldn't quite believe I was going. When I booked the flight, I finally started to let myself believe that it was really happening but I was still very cautious. It wasn't until I heard that I was received media credentials to attend the festival as a member of the press that I realized, holy crap I am going! I am actually going. Part of me still thinks that someone will call me and say "sorry Raquel, it was all a big mistake. You are not really going. Maybe next year." Part of me won't believe anything until I see it all for my own eyes. This whole experience has been very humbling.

The TCM Classic Film Festival this year is going to be epic. The folks at TCM have really outdone themselves planning a 4-day extravaganza of delights that will make the heart of any classic film fan skip a beat.

My husband Carlos will also be attending the festival with me. He'll have a Matinee Pass and I'll have a Media Pass so while we'll attend some events together we'll also be apart some of the time. I plan to blog while I am at the festival and go into more detail when I come back. Carlos has agreed to be a guest blogger and blog about the events that he goes to on his own. Thanks Carlos!

The festival schedule was released last week and while it's not completely finalized, I went ahead and made a preliminary schedule for the festival. My plan of attack is to attend as many of the events that feature a classic film star or someone involved with the film (i.e. producer, etc.). I watch a lot of films on the big screen here in the Boston area so I don't feel the need to attend a lot of regular screenings.

I prioritized to make sure I made time for the events that would mean the most to me attend. I tried to be realistic knowing that I can't be everywhere at once and that there will be long days and I'll get tired. I also created a back-up plan in case some events are changed or get canceled or if I miss one event, I can go to a similar one later. I did the best I could do planning this not really knowing what to expect.

This is our main plan:

Thursday April 25th

Meet the TCM Panel - TCM staffers discuss what's going on at TCM.
So You Think You Know the Movies - New York's Film Forum programmer Bruce Goldstein hosts a trivia challenge
Opening Night Party 
The Killing (1956) - Discussion with actress Coleen Gray
South Pacific (1958)  - Discussion with actresses Mitzi Gaynor and France Nuyen.

Friday April 26th

Libeled Lady (1936) (or sleep, whichever!)
River of No Return (1954) - Discussion with producer Stanley Rubin - (Robert Mitchum movie!)
Eva Marie Saint: Live from the TCM Classic Film Festival
The Great Escape (1963) - Discussion with executive producer Walter Mirisch (maybe if James Garner is free he could attend too?!)
On the Waterfront (1954) - Discussion with Eva Marie Saint

Saturday April 27th

Handprint/Footprint Ceremony with Jane Fonda

UPDATE: The Lady Vanishes (1938) - Discussion with Norman Lloyd (Thanks to Laura of Laura's Miscellaneous Musings - She convinced me with her post that I should definitely attend this one! Definitely check out her selection of TCM festival choices.)

Conversation with Max von Sydow
"What's the Score?" with Alex Trebek (OMG)
Mildred Pierce (1945) - Tribute to Ann Blyth (WOW!)
Le Mans (1971) - Discussion with Chad McQueen, Derek Bell and Vic Elford

Sunday April 28th

Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963) at the Cinerama Dome - Discussion with Barrie Chase, Marvin Kaplan, Carl Reiner and Mickey Rooney (MICKEY!!!) UPDATE: Unfortunately, Jonathan Winters was slated as a guest and he passed away recently. God speed Jonathan Winters!
Three Days of the Condor (1975) - Tribute to Max von Sydow
The General (1926) - World Premiere Restoration with live musical accompaniment by the Alloy Orchestra (Buster Keaton!)
Closing Night Party

Image Soure
Someone pinch me, I'm dreaming!

In addition to the above, I hope to be able to attend some pre-festival events on Wednesday the 24th. If you are attending the festival, please make sure to say hi!


  1. Nice plan! I can't wait to hear your experience.
    I would nearly go crazy choosing which events to attend, but I wouldn't miss silent film screenings, like The Big Parade and It. Maybe not a lot of meetings with stars, but certainly the Thursday's meeting events.

    1. Hi Lê - I'm lucky that I get to watch silent films on the big screen near where I live. Sometimes with live music which is just an incredible experience. I do plan to see The General because Buster Keaton is really important to me and that's going to be a really special event! :-) Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Congratulations! I couldn't make it this year, but I'm hoping to attend next year's film fest. If you don't mind my asking, how did you manage to get a media pass? Do you have to apply for one of those? Also, I might start researching hotels in the area so that I can book early for next year. I hear they fill up rather quickly. What are some of the hotels you researched?

    1. Vanessa - I hope you make it next year. I'm already saving my pennies for 2014. For the media pass, I sent an inquiry and then I was sent an application which I filled out. I'm a newbie so I encourage you to ask people with festival experience. I know Will of Cinematically Insane has provided tons of detail about the festival.
      I was recommended a hotel my someone which I sought out. I have only ever spent 2 hours in California on a layover so I have absolutely no experience with the area and pretty much know nothing. I did book early but I know some others booked late and got hotels. I think they block off the Roosevelt for the festival. That's as much as I know!

    2. Vanessa - I forgot to mention that the Festival website has a dedicated page with details about media credentials.

    3. Fantastic! Thank you so much! I will definitely look into getting a media pass for next year :) I'm also thinking of vlogging the entire experience and then uploading everything to my YouTube channel. That should be interesting LOL

      I've been to California once before for a couple of weeks (my family and I traveled the state and stayed in about 7 or 8 different places). It was absolutely beautiful, but I haven't been back there since then. Man, that's got to be at least 10 years ago :(

    4. Vanessa - Vlogging would be really cool. It would definitely give your audience a cool experience. I would first find out what you can film and what you cannot. I have no idea if there are any restrictions but there might be for things they intend to televise later.

    5. Oh, for sure. I'm thinking that I won't be able to film during any of the screenings or guest appearances.

      Have a lovely time darling! I'm sure it'll be a blast!

  3. Will be interested to read your comments. But be prepared for crowds. I liked the TCM cruise - never seemed too crowded.

  4. So cool to know you and Carlos will blog from the event. Seeing THE GENERAL with the Alloy Orchestra would be worth the price of admission alone.

    1. Hi Rich - Yes! The Alloy Orchestra is great. I saw them play music to Phantom of the Opera which was a cool experience. Will you be at the TCMFF?

  5. Yay - you're going! That's terrific! Looking forward to reading about your experiences. :)


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