Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Paramount Theatre in Pictures

I recently went to the Paramount Theatre in Boston for the Arts Emerson Noir Nights repertory series (post about that to come). The theater opened in 1932 as an Art Deco style movie house but closed in 1976. Emerson College renovated it and added a performing art center to it between the years of 2005 and 2008. The Paramount had it's grand reopening in 2010. I attended Emerson College during the years of renovation, restoration  and building so I never got a chance to go to the Paramount during my grad school years. Visiting the building was a real treat. I didn't get to see the main 1,700 seat theater unfortunately but hope to one day soon. Perhaps I'll have a follow up post with even more pictures then. For now, here is a glimpse of what I got to see. 

A lot of the original Art Deco decor was damaged. So although the theatre is gorgeous, the Art Deco style has a modern feel to it. Well, not really modern. I saw it as Art Deco meets 1970s.


  1. Incredible pictures. I remember strolling through the "Combat Zone" occasionally during the mid-1990s and I remember what an imposing ruin the Paramount was back then, part of a lost city within a city. I'm happy to see it saved.

  2. Oh, how I love classic movie palaces. Dig the groovy carpet :)

  3. If you ever get a chance, google the Paramount Theatre in Abilene, Texas. It was fully restored many years ago and it is absolutely beautiful.

    Anyhow, the Boston Paramount is gorgeous. Thanks, Quelle!

  4. An era that can't be equalled for style, design, and craftsmanship. Thanks for posting. There is a deco group on Flickr that has some very nice interior and exterior deco/moderne images.


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