Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fourth Blogiversary

It's been four wonderful years writing this blog. In those four years, I've made lots of great friends both online and off and had many wonderful experiences. If you've been reading this blog for four years, for one year for 1 minute, I appreciate you reading at all!

In celebration of my Fourth Blogiversary, I'm giving away one copy of Good Stuff by Jennifer Grant. I recently reviewed it for Father's Day.

Contest rules:

One entry per person. You must live in the U.S. or Canada (I'll make an exception for Sweden!). Contest ends Thursday June 30th at Midnight EST. Winner will be chosen at random. There is only one prize. If the winner does not respond within one week of being notified via email, a second winner will be chosen.

All you need to do to enter is fill out the below form (the entry gets sent to me but doesn't appear on the form after you click Submit). Or you can add your entry to the comments section. Do not Tweet or Facebook your entry. I won't count it. It must be entered through the form or added to the comments.

Full Disclosure: I purchased an extra copy of the book Good Stuff through Random House for this giveaway.



  1. Congratulations on four years of great blogging.

  2. I'm sending my congratulations on your fourth anniversary. Hopefully, we'll have you for at least four years more. Or eight. Or twelve.

  3. Ditto the congrats, Raquelle. Yours was one of the first classic movie blogs I ever started reading, even before I started blogging myself. Here's to many more years of blogging success!

  4. I won't enter the contest only because I can't ever seem to find the time to sit down with a book anymore...but I do want to wish you the happiest of blogiversaries in your "glorious fourth" year. Keep up the fine work, Raquelle!

  5. The widget or whatever that is is cut off on the right side; I'm afraid I can't see the entire question. Can you please write out the question in full?

  6. Thank you everyone for your kind words.

    Rich - It's been fixed. I guess the template I used was way too wide. You should be able to see it now.

  7. It is indeed fixed. Thanks. And congrats on the anniversary.

  8. Congratulations on 4 years of a truly great blog!

  9. Happy blogiversary, Quelle! And since I am pretty sure you already have my email addy, I'll just tell you my favourite Cary Grant movie here. It's North by Northwest. I love it because Cary Grant is still Cary Grant--smooth, charming--but at the same time he's entirely out of his element. Arsenic and Old Lace and Topper would be a very close second and third.

  10. Happy anniversary!

    I fully intend to enter the contest but I think I'll gather my thoughts first. Hey, maybe I can keep the answer under my usual 2000 words! For me, that's a contest in and of itself.

  11. Congratulations! Your blog has always been and will always be one of my favorites. I guess I might be the Swedish exception you mention for the contest. I'm utterly thankful being an exception to the rules!

  12. Congrats on FOUR YEARS! That's awesome!

    I've been reading for nearly three years now. :-D

  13. Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment! Four years is a long time in "blog-land", but it's obvious you love what you're doing here. Wishing you many many more years here (and elsewhere). Happy Blogiversary!!!

  14. you have a great blog Quele! hope to see you here for many more years to come :)

  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone. You are all so kind. Wait! It's the fourth blogiversary so I need a fourth thank you.


  16. Congratulations on reaching your 4th year! I love reading your blog.


Leave me a comment! If it is a long one, make sure you save a draft of it elsewhere just in case Google gobbles it up and spits it out.