Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Out of the Past, Into the Now - Celebrate Norma Shearer's Birthday, Ke$ha style

Today is Queen Norma Shearer's Birthday. I wasn't going to do a post but I just couldn't help myself. Jennifer, avid Norma Shearer devotee and curator of the official Norma Shearer Facebook fan page, posted this very enjoyable mash-up of Ke$ha's song Tik-Tok along with clips of Norma Shearer in motion and dancing from various films. It's superb. The timing is excellent. What better way to celebrate the Queen's birthday by watching this over and over again?


  1. Happy birthday to one of my favorite classic movie leading ladies!

  2. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Kesha, this was a cool video! Awesomely timed!
    Happy birthday Norma :)

  3. that was fantastic! i love watching her & that video was just so perfect.


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