Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hot Toddy ~ Dennis Morgan

Stats: b. 1908- d. 1994. 54 movies from 1936 to 1957. Worked for MGM, Paramount and Warner Bros.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Humunahs!

Hotness Factors: A smile that could undo buttons, great hair, natural charm and charisma and a superb voice.

Chicks He Digged: Married to his high school sweetheart Lillian Vedder from 1933 until his death.

For Optimal Hotness Watch:

Christmas in Connecticut (1945) - He plays a soldier who gets a chance to celebrate Christmas with a Martha Stewart-like journalist played by Barbara Stanwyck. Warning: sight of Morgan in a uniform may induce swooning.

Kitty Foyle (1940) - It's been a while since I've seen this, but I believe Morgan plays a loveable rich cad who Ginger Rogers' Kitty Foyle is head over heels for.


  1. I think he rates a 4.5 on my Hubba Hubba scale :)

  2. Aww that is so cute that he was married to his high school sweetheart. I've only seen him in a couple of movies but he's got me hooked. I agree with Sarah, 4.5 :)

  3. OOh, I'm looking forward to more in this series. ;-)

  4. Lovely post! I LOL re the smile -- that was definitely his best feature, really dazzling. And I love that he married for life. :)

    My very favorite Dennis Morgan movie so far is THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU, a 1944 WWII romance with Eleanor Parker. (If interested here is a link to a post I wrote about it.) He's also especially adorable as a Scottish policeman in love with Priscilla Lane in THE IRISH IN US. I've enjoyed very much getting to know his work for the first time over the last couple of years, thanks mainly to TCM.

    Best wishes,

  5. Cheezus! I don't think I have seen anything with this Dennis Morgan chap... Shame on me!

    Was he considered a "chick-flick actor"? It seems his looks was instrumental to his utter greatness... :)

    Concise and effective as usual.

  6. I think I would also have given him 4.5 like Sarah & Nicole, but would a half humunah sound like? Humunah Humunah Humunah Humuna Humu?

    Wendy - I'm glad you like the series. I think I'll have fun with it.

    Laura - Will check out your post. Thanks for the heads up!

    Jonas - I don't think he was a chick flick actor. He did some war dramas too I believe. His hotness is just an excuse for me to watch more of his movies.

  7. one word: DITTO. When TCM aired Kitty Foyle a few weeks back, for no particular reason at all I found myself going positively gooey for that high voltage smile of his!

  8. Wisconsin: Beer, Cheese, Packers, Dennis Morgan.

    I'm so proud :0)

  9. Ooh, that smile of his makes me melt. Every time I watch Kitty Foyle, I fall in love with him and then I have to remind myself of what he does to poor Ginger : (

  10. What a cute post. Dennis Morgan is one of my favorite dreamboats! Christmas in Connecticut is definitely swoon-worthy. That scene with him at the piano is adorable.

  11. He's cute, but like Jonas, I don't think I've ever seen him in any thing! :(

    I've got KITTY FOYLE on my DVR, but I haven't watched it...I'm kinda scared I won't like it. You know how I feel about melodrama. :)

    I like this post. The way you laid it out...I've been wanting to re-do my Sexy Six series (wasn't happy with the first twelve I picked...) but not sure how to go about it.


    I too like that he was married to his high school sweetheart. It's always nice to know that one of your favorites wasn't some lousy sex-fiend with thousands of dingy conquests. That's pretty much how I imagine celebrities now-a-days. Of course that makes me sound like some eighty year old woman with a walker and a shawl. ;)

  12. Such an underrated actor, though I prefer him as a singer, however he still gave some solid performances, I must add.

    I totally have a girl crush on him hehe.

  13. Christmas In Connecticut was playing nonstop on TCM and I think I watched everytime.

    Great post! He is surely dreamy (I mean, come on, the guy can change diapers!)


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