Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pie in the Sky

A dream, but it would never be reality! This was a project for my Magazine class. I had to come up with a new idea for a magazine. It was really difficult to pitch because it wouldn't really sell. But I tried. I'm always sneaking in classic films in homework whenever possible.


  1. Stopped by for a visit simply because of your blog title. Out of the Past is definitely on my permanent top 10 movies list. Nice job, I will return.

  2. What a gorgeous cover!!! Oh, if there was a Classic Film Mag, not only would I read it, I would beg the publishers to hire me to write for it (I'm a freelance journalist)! Here's something else to add to your fantasy--we could both be staff writers for the mag.!

    Keep up the good work on the blog--let me know if you ever need a guest blogger--I am an avid fan of pre-codes, and worship norma, joan c. and bette d. -Bonnie:)

  3. Hi R., I tried to e-mail you directly, but my "Outlook" isn't configured correctly, so I couldn't email you by clicking on your link--just a quick question: do you ever bid on hard to find classics at ebay? I just got a norma shearer movie "smilin' through" for $6!

  4. Hey Bill - Thanks for stopping by. I'll definitely be checking out your blog too.

    Hi Bonnie- My e-mail is Quellenitemare@hotmail.com . Gotta be careful putting that on my site since bots search for addresses to spam.

    I am thinking of doing a guest blogging feature in June. If you want to send me something you'd like to post, I'll include it in what I'm collecting.

  5. Hi R., I'd love to write a guest blog! I'll write something up and shoot it on over to you:) How fun!


Leave me a comment! If it is a long one, make sure you save a draft of it elsewhere just in case Google gobbles it up and spits it out.